
Pastor’s Column – October 30, 2022

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Pastor’s Column – October 30, 2022

This weekend’s Gospel Reading tells us the story about Zacchaeus the tax collector. Zacchaeus hears that Jesus is coming to his village and he has a great desire to see him. He is physically unable to see him because he was short, so Zacchaeus climbs a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus. Jesus then stops, notices Zacchaeus and then invites himself to Zacchaeus’ house for supper that night. From that moment on, Zacchaeus’ life was changed. He repaid those who he had cheated and reformed his life. The personal encounter with Jesus was the event that changed the rest of his life.

When was the last time you had a personal encounter with our Lord Jesus? When was the last time that Jesus made a difference in your life? Each of us is called to meet our Lord Jesus at different times in our lives and these encounters are called to change us also. The time we spend in private, personal prayer is called to sustain and support our life of discipleship. The many times we celebrate Sunday Eucharist is called to change and transform us into better followers of our Lord Jesus. May we ask the Lord to open our eyes this week to recognize the many times He touches our lives.

This Tuesday is All Saints Day and a Holy Day of Obligation. It is a day when we honor and celebrate all that God has done in the lives of so many people who have gone before us in salvation history and now dwell with God in heaven. Wednesday is All Souls Day and a day when we pray for and remember the dead. This Wednesday evening we will have our annual All Souls Memorial Service when we remember and pray for all those who have died in the past year. Take some time this week to join us on these two important days. Times of the Masses are in the bulletin.

Have a Great Week!

Fr. Jim