I’m going to start you off today with a little “Liturgical Trivia!” Today’s gospel is the only gospel during the Easter season (except Easter itself) that is shared during all three Liturgical cycles. All three cycles on this 2nd Sunday of Easter focus on Jesus’ post resurrection appearance, first to the disciples in the upper room, and then to Thomas.
What a great way to show all of us the doubt of the disciples, their coming to faith and Jesus’ patience with them/us during moments of doubt! He gave them what they needed–proof! Thomas does us all a favor in demanding proof of the Resurrection. In actual fact he is echoing the doubts and voicing the uncertainties which darken our own minds and cloud our faith from time to time when dreams are crushed by unexpected death, broken relationships, financial hardships, or another such cross. This gospel points out that faith does not always come easily or quickly. It can grow slowly, or it may grow quickly. It can be a real challenge at times. Ultimately it is faith that makes life meaningful because it is an adventure of the spirit searching for God!
Challenged by a secular world, science–our real need for proof and explanation, and the world’s lack of Christianity, our witness of faith, hope and encouragement to others increases our own faith and shares the hope of the Resurrection with them. By our sharing of Christ with others, doubters will have their closed minds and hearts opened to see Christ, touch His wounds, and be touched by Him in return.
Today is also the Sunday designated by the Church as “Divine Mercy Sunday.” Most of us have seen the picture of Our Blessed Lord with the rays of His mercy flowing from His very being. “Jesus, we trust in You!” Let’s face it! We all have to put our faith, hope, and love in Jesus! It is Life itself! But before there can be trust, there must be faith! We must believe before we can trust.
Like Thomas, we are a strange mixture of belief and unbelief. We have faith in our hearts and doubt in our minds. It is no wonder we pray: “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!”
Linda Caminiti