
Living the Gospel – Trinity Sunday – May 27, 2018

Home > Living the Gospel > Living the Gospel – Trinity Sunday – May 27, 2018

As I was reading the second reading Jesus tells us those who are led by the spirit of God are sons of God. This brings up a question we should all be asking ourselves, “Am I led by the spirit?”. Another way to put it is “Have I surrendered myself to the spirit?” Surrendering to the spirit means giving our lives to Jesus and going out into the world and telling people about Him. I know for me this was a fearful thought, but once I understood what that meant for me it became a lot easier. I was worried that I didn’t know enough about scripture or the church doctrine, but what I was being called to do was to share my story. Share how my life changed when I let Jesus in, share how I became a different person when I let Jesus in. My life is not my own, it is his now. I am his eyes, hands, and feet on earth. The reading also goes on to say we are heirs of God. Which if we believed, and lived our lives, based on that truth, talk about an awesome retirement package! In the book of James it states “I will show you my faith from my works” and we are also told that “faith without works is dead”. We need to do more than just go to Mass on Sundays. It takes more than this to be a disciple, it takes everything we have to offer. In the gospel reading, Jesus was on the mountain where 11 disciples joined him. Jesus said “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations”. We are all called to be disciples, so it is up to us to go into our homes, neighborhoods, work places, where ever we go, and spread the good news, with both our words and our actions. Jesus lives, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We can choose to surrender to him and spend eternity in his presence. Perhaps this week we can start with our domestic church (our Home). Have this conversation with our family. Talk about our thoughts on church and salvation, how has Jesus impacted our lives, how have we been changed by the Gospel. Perhaps even read some scripture together and discuss what it means to you. Jesus is with us always, until the end of time. We need to be other centered, we need to die to self, so we can live for Jesus. Jesus taught us how we can be like him, it’s all right there is his book and his church’s teachings. Once we do this, we will be transformed. Let this be the day that we give our lives over to Jesus, completely, and truly mean it. I can promise you, it will be a decision you will never regret! Let’s go transform our world, one person at a time. Hard as Nails ministry has a great saying and I think of it often, it goes like this – “Lord Jesus, I give you my life through pain, through suffering and through Joy.”. This is what it means to be a Christian. We will encounter all of these, but we need to remember Jesus suffered the greatest, for us, we can endure a little pain for him too. Nailed on a cross, for you and for me, so we could live forever with him. Just focus on that over the next week and talk with Jesus about it, then talk to those around you about how it has changed you. Our goal in this life should be to one day hear these words – “WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFULL SERVANT.”

“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” 1 Peter 3:15

God Bless

Don Barry