What stands out in today’s gospel is where it says “there will be more joy in heaven and angels singing over one sinner who repents, than over ninety nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.” Now maybe that does not seem fair to me because I am assuming that I am one of the ninety nine. But what if I am not? Then I don’t feel so upset if God considers me so valuable that he is going to have a huge celebration over my repentance. We really don’t realize how much God loves everyone one of us that He created. He even sent his only begotten Son to die on the cross that we might have access to Heaven. Now we might think that those of us who have fallen into grave sin are there because of their own fault. But let’s not forget that Satan is always looking to entrap any of us. In much the same way, we sometimes catch some disease, often through no fault of ours. God gives us all the talents that He wants us to use to help others who are in need. We are God’s eyes and hands on this earth. When you do a good deed for someone, it will make you feel happiness, and it can be as simple as a good morning greeting or sharing a cup of coffee or a meal and just being a friend. Lots of lonely people out there. We really need each other.
Thanks be to God
Lloyd Lapierre