
Living the Gospel – March 29, 2020

Home > Living the Gospel > Living the Gospel – March 29, 2020

Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” I guess in the turbulent times we are currently living in, this question really stood out to me when I read through this Sunday’s readings. Do I believe this? It seems so easy to believe when things are going well, when the sun is shining on our face, when our jobs are secure, when the stock market is up, our friends and family are healthy, and we can freely join together for Mass on Sunday. But many of those things are not happening now. We are living in times that none of us have experienced before. We are uncertain what the next several months will bring. What new challenges are coming and how the nation and world will react to them. In times like this, it is easy to think “Where is God?”. There is a section in Exodus I always struggled with, the portion where the Israelites build for themselves a molten calf when Moses goes up on the mountain to be with God and is gone for 40 days. 40 Days!! The Israelites had just experienced all the plagues God brought on Egypt leading to them being set free from captivity. God parting the Red Sea for them to escape. Turning the bitter water sweet, giving them quail and Manna, water from the rock at Horeb. They all witness and experience these signs and wonders, then Moses is gone for 40 days and they are worshipping a molten calf! I could never understand how, in such a short period of time, they turned from God. But are we starting to do the same things? Hopefully, no one is fashioning golden images to worship (if you are thinking about it, call me and we’ll talk 🙂 ) but how many of us are questioning why God would let something like the coronavirus happen? Why he would allow all the chaos to happen and so many people to get sick and die? Many of us are glued to the TV watching for the latest news on the virus. Scouring social media for any new rumors of what is coming. Binge-watching streaming services to escape from it all. Now, these things are not molten calves but if left unchecked, they can morph into one. Israel didn’t make a molten calf the day Moses left, they built up to it over a short period of time. Don’t let our bibles sit there collecting dust while this happens to us. Dive into God’s word, virtually attend daily Mass which is being broadcast on an unprecedented level to allow us some participation in the intimate communion with God (check or just search YouTube). Watch something uplifting on Pray! Make a sacrifice of time and pray the Rosary for an end to the coronavirus. Use this time of seclusion to grow closer to your family and closer to God. I know it is a difficult time and many of us are scared of the unknown that lies ahead, but take solace in knowing we are God’s children, loved by him so much that he sent his Son to die for us. Rest easy in knowing that regardless of what lies ahead, God will be there walking right beside us. God Bless.

Pax Christi,

John Mihalko