
Divine Mercy Sunday

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Can you just picture the frightened disciples not sure if they also would be killed or if they lived; what they would do with their lives now that Jesus was gone?

Then He appears in their midst, though the doors were locked. His first words: “Peace be with you!“

Three times He says this in this reading alone. (John’s account)

Next week we will hear about the disciples on the road to Emmaus. What we don’t hear are the verses that follow, the two disciples rush back to the others, and join them in the upper room. This is Luke’s account of Resurrection night. But he also records that Jesus’ first words were “Peace be with you!” How significant that blessing must have been for those frightened men and women!

I love the Easter readings and I’m convinced that they are a message of Jesus’ love and His peace for all of us to grab hold of in times of struggle and pain. The gospels at Sunday and daily Mass are mostly comprised of Jesus’ conversation with his disciples after the Last Supper just before His crucifixion. Some of the other readings are the Good Shepherd message and the readings that have come to be known as “The Bread of Life Discourse.” It does strike me a bit odd that we read the message Jesus gave his disciples just before His death, after Easter, but this is His message to reassure the disciples, to give them strength for what was to come, both in the immediate days and even after the Ascension. It is His message to us—today. I want to site a couple verses and I encourage you to read the daily readings or to pick up your Bibles and read some of these messages.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have faith in God and faith in me.” (John Ch 14)

“As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you, live on in My love.” (John Ch 15)

“I tell you all this, that in Me you will find peace. You will suffer in the world, but take courage. I have overcome the world!” (John 16)

The Good Shepherd is in John, Chapter 10 and The Bread of Life Discourse begins in John, Chapter 6.

Our belief in Him, the Resurrected Christ, gives peace to our hearts. Today is also Divine Mercy Sunday. What greater peace could fill our hearts than trusting in the Divine Mercy of Christ? Let us celebrate His gift of mercy and peace! May Christ’s Peace reign in each of our hearts this Easter season. And always!

Linda Caminiti