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I would like to thank Fr. Peter Tassini for all his help while Fr. Thomas Macauley is away. Fr. Peter was with our parish previously and we are blessed to have him with us again. It is my hope that we continue to keep Fr. Thomas in our thoughts and prayers while he at home in Africa after the death of his mother.
The Hope Appeal is underway again in our diocese. This offers us the opportunity to support the many ministries of the Hope Appeal that our parish community would not be able to do alone. Whether it is Campus Ministry at many local colleges in our diocese or the many works of Catholic Charities, the Hope Appeal works to provide Christโs Presence to those who are in need. In a special way it supports the Deaconate Formation Program which John Mihalko is a part of in our diocese. We continue to pray for John as he continues his journey toward Diaconal Ordination in May.
In our Gospel this weekend, we are told the parable of the generous owner of the vineyard. It doesnโt seem fair that he pays everyone the same amount whether they worked an hour or all day. This parable is not about the workers, but rather, is about the generous owner. Let us pause sometime this week and thank our God for His generosity. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!
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