
Stewardship Report

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Stewardship Report

OLPH Stewardship Report: Week of November 23, 2020 from mail, etc.:
Regular Collection: Envs: $318. Loose: $1.32 …………………Total Regular Collection: $319.32
Other Income: Fuel-$500. Bills Paid This Week: $397.12
CCSSSP Weekly Stewardship Report: Sunday, November 22, 2020
Regular Collection: Envs: $1,704. Loose: $1,017.50 ………………….….Total Regular Collection: $2,721.50
Diocesan Collections: CathCampHumDev-$130. Other Income: All Souls-$80. Hosp-$10. Fuel-$10. Flowers-$130.
Because of your contributions, we were able to pay the following bills this week: ChR&M-$70. RectR&M-$10. Utilities-$134.
SpiritPubl-$22. Donations-$222. (Jamaica&NewMinistries) Phone: $182. Salaries-$1,300. Total Bills Paid This Week: $1,940.
Bills to pay next week:$1,736.
Thank you for your generosity that keeps our parishes running smoothly!