
Rural Services’ Nearly New Store (Update)

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Rural Services’ Nearly New Store…

Many have the misconception that the store at Rural Services is only for poor people. The store is open to everyone. It’s a place to get quality new and used clothing, bedding, and household items. Revenue from the store has been down this past year so we need your help to keep up with rising expenses. Come in, browse, enjoy a cup of coffee, take a chance on a raffle, visit the free room*, and say “hello” to Joanne and everyone there. *Free Room-People bring in items they no longer need such as housewares, books, puzzles, pictures, etc.

Cortland Chenango Rural Services, Inc.
2704 Lower Cincinnatus Rd.
P.O. Box 57
Cincinnatus, NY 13040-0057
Phone: (607) 863-3828
Fax: (206) 350-2251
E-mail: rursrvs@gmail.com
Look for us on Facebook!

Monday through Thursday 9 AM-4 PM
Friday & Saturday: 9 AM – 12 Noon
Staff: Joanne Brown, Executive Director
Theresa Olaf, Nearly New Store Manager