Reminder – Today (August 4) is the Map sign up deadline for the Cincinnatus Town-wide Yard Sale Day August 15, 2020…
Join in on the RESCHEDULED Cincinnatus Town-wide Yard Sale Day – August 15, 2020! 9 am to 4 pm – RAIN OR SHINE. $4 per household to be on the map. Same price as last year. Team Yard Sale Day members will be going door to door in July to hand out flyers. For the comfort of sellers and buyers, consider masks, sanitizer and social distancing while participating. Households can sign up by mail: Please send your name, actual street address and phone number with your $4 check…made out to the Cincinnatus Field Days c/o Donna Catlin, Cincinnatus Fire Dept., P. O. Box 427, Cincinnatus, NY 13040