
Fr. Jerry Katz

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Our former pastor, Fr. Jerry Katz, wrote and shared on his Facebook Page, a prayer to the Holy Spirit. I hope to print it, pray it and reflect on it several times during the day and would encourage you to do the same. It is such a positive action we can take to keep ourselves hopeful, and spread this hope, during this time of unrest in our country. If you are on Facebook I would encourage you to ‘friend’ Jerry Katz so that you receive his almost weekly reflections on the Gospel.

A Spirit-filled Pentecost to you all. On this tension-filled day throughout the country I offer this prayer of healing/guidance and invite you to read Mark 7:33-35 first……
Come Irresistible Spirit! Open us up!
Unstop our ears, our tongues, our burdened hearts, our sluggish brains.
Let Your breath flow in spaces within us that we have closed on purpose, by accident, without our knowing.
Open us….We are calling to You.
Come Most Holy Spirit!
Let us be opened to a beginning, a host of possibilities, a dream of becoming something not ever considered.
Come Gracious Spirit!
Let us be opened to the sound of our name spoken in a new way, to an invitation we thought was meant for another but really is for us.
Come Singing Spirit!
Let us be opened to voices that call for the gifts that only we can bring, to ways of living that make sense more to the heart than to the wallet.
Come Wisdom Spirit!
Let us be opened to who we are in truth, to who we might become, to what we can be on our own, to what we might be together.
Come Powerful Spirit!
Let us be opened to becoming more and more a community that can change the world.
O Holy Well of Grace, both Fluid and Fire,
surround, indwell, inspire, renew, and let us, for love sake, let us be opened! Amen….amen.
May the healing begin….may the violence end….may peace return to the land.