40 Days of Lent
I know most people give up things like chocolate, candy, desserts, social media, etc. for Lent every year. How about instead of giving something up this year we give something instead. I would like to challenge everyone to do 40 acts this year. There are many ways to do this and here are just a few:
1. Every day for the 40 days go into your closet or dressers and take one piece of clothing you no longer wear and place it in a bag. At the end of the 40 days of Lent, you can deliver the bag containing 40 different items to the Clothing Bank for others to use.
2. Every day for the 40 days go into your pantry and take one can or non-perishable food item and place it in a bag or box. At the end of the 40 days of Lent, you can deliver the bag or box containing 40 different food items to the Food Pantry for others to use.
3. Every day for the 40 days do something nice for someone else. Whether is be just to offer a smile or a word of encouragement to someone. Leaving a nice note for someone, sitting with someone at lunch who looks like they could use a friend. Draw a picture for someone, you see the list is endless and every day you could brighten someone’s day.
I would love to hear some feedback on this and if anyone will accept one of my challenges or if you come up with your own challenge for being kind. Please let me know.
Cecelia Carstens