Today is Pentecost Sunday which is the 50th day of the Easter season. We take time this Sunday to celebrate the Holy Spirit’s descent upon Christ’s disciples. The Holy Spirit is a bond of unity for Catholics, a bond started at our Baptism and deepened at our Confirmation. And not just a bond with fellow Catholics, but a bond with Christ himself. An extension of Jesus Christ in each of us that we are called to use, to draw upon to help us spread the good news of Christ’s Resurrection which we celebrated at Easter. Jesus said “The father sends me so I send you.” We are called by Jesus and equipped with the Holy Spirit to go and spread the good news of salvation. The question I ask everyone today is are we doing this? Are we actively seeking to spread the gospel message to those around us? At a recent conference I attended, Fr Joe Freedy stated that we can’t love something that we don’t know. And we can’t get others to love something if we don’t love it ourselves. So how do we get to know Jesus? Attending Mass, reading scripture, prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, fellowship with other Catholics, all these things will lead us to know Christ more deeply. They will draw us deeper into our faith and help us more easily draw upon the Holy Spirit for help.
Pope Francis has invited us all to join him in a Jubilee of Mercy. A year to celebrate love, kindness, and unbounded generosity toward others, to celebrate God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, to share the wonderful gifts we have been given with those who don’t know Jesus. We are not called to do this alone, nor can we do it alone. The Holy Spirit unites us in our Catholic Faith, all 1.1 Billion of us across the planet. From Pope Francis washing the feet of refugees, to our local parishioners volunteering at food and clothing banks, to you asking a co-worker how they are doing when they look upset. We all do our part to help others find the same gift we have been so graciously given.
We need to be instruments of mercy to others. I pray no one leaves church today the same as they came in. It is our calling to bring unity through the Holy Spirit. Give Jesus your life and follow the lead of the Holy Spirit, be an ambassador to others. Let this be the day. Amen.
Don Barry