This weekend’s Readings from Sacred Scripture speak to us about the danger of riches in the life of the disciple. We all have dreams of becoming rich someday. We all work hard throughout the week so we can be compensated with a paycheck on payday. The riches and the accumulation of wealth are all fine in the life of the disciple as long as we do not become so preoccupied with them that we forget about the importance of the Lord Jesus in our lives. We should never allow riches and the accumulation of wealth to dominate our lives, but may we use our resources to help build God’s Kingdom in our midst. May we always remember that riches and wealth do not determine our ultimate destination in life.
It is hard to believe that our Parish Picnic is less than a month away. We will have our parish picnic at Dorchester Park on Sunday, August 21st. On that Sunday we will celebrate only one Mass at St. Patrick’s in Whitney Point at 11:00 am. We will then continue our day at Dorchester Park. Make your plans now for this special day! I look forward to seeing all of you there!
Fr. Jim