
Pastor’s Column – September 18, 2022

Home > Living the Gospel > Pastor’s Column – September 18, 2022

In this weekend’s Gospel, Our Lord Jesus tells us that we all will have to give an accounting of our lives before God. Each of us has received many blessings from our God and these blessings are given to us to be shared, not hoarded. Like the steward in today’s Gospel story, we all have been entrusted with gifts by our God and we are called to share them with others. How many of us are under the false assumption that everything we have in our lives is our own and that we are not called to share them with others. Our God has blessed each of us in so many ways and we are called to share those blessings with others. This is the fundamental principle of a Theology of Stewardship. We all are called to be good stewards of the gifts that God has entrusted to us. We are called to use them to help build God’s Kingdom on this earth. Why not take some time this week and reflect upon how you have been blessed by God and how you can best share those gifts with others.

We are continuing our Annual Hope Appeal through the end of the year. Our Parish goal is $18,174.03. I invite everyone again to prayerfully consider making a generous donation to this year’s Hope Appeal. This Appeal helps support so many important ministries in our diocese and empowers Bishop Lucia to better shepherd the Diocese of Syracuse.


Fr. Jim