Pastor’s Column – October 9, 2022
This Sunday the Church celebrates Deacon Sunday. It is a time for us to thank God for the ministry of deacon in our midst. Our Parish community is blessed to have the ministry of Deacon Tony Miller. Deacon Tony is invaluable to me as I shepherd our parish family. Deacon Tony’s ministry of the Word and the Altar greatly enhance our parish family. Deacon Tony assists me in coordinating and providing the many Liturgical celebrations in our parish. Deacon Tony very often has to serve as chauffeur and Uber Driver for the weekend celebrant. His presence and attention to detail makes sure that all liturgical celebrations take place when I am ministering at another parish community. We truly are blessed to have Deacon Tony as a part of our parish family.
We are also blessed to have John Mihalko preparing for service as a Permanent Deacon. We look forward to the day when John is ordained to the Permanent deaconate in another year and one half. May we all keep both Deacon Tony and John in our prayers this week as we thank God for the gift of the Diaconal ministry in our parish.
Fr. Jim