
Pastor’s Column – October 23, 2022

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Pastor’s Column – October 23, 2022

This weekend’s Gospel Reading tells us the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. The Pharisee is in the temple area and, standing in front, raises his hands in praise of God for all the good things that he does. He proceeds to tell God all the things that he does for God. Jesus tells us also that a tax collector is in the back of the temple, with head bowed, asking for God’s mercy. Jesus tells us that the tax collector goes home justified. This parable speaks to us about humility and honesty in our prayer life. We are called to realize that all the good that we are able to accomplish is a gift from God. We are all called to thank and praise God for all that happens in our lives. Let us take some time this week and thank our God for all the good that He accomplishes in our lives.

Last Monday we had a Parish Listening Session about the possibility of adjusting our weekend Mass schedule. I would like to thank everyone who participated in this meeting. It was good for me to be able to attend and listen to the ideas, stories, and concerns of our parishioners. I hope to have a decision in the next two weeks about the proposal. Let us all pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as this decision is being made.

This past week we had the Mass of Christian Burial for Fr. Gerald Buckley. Fr. Buckley was a wonderful priest who touched many lives. He was truly a gentle soul who understood much about life. His gentle and calm approach made him a trusted confessor, advisor, and friend to many. Please take some time this week and thank God for the priestly ministry and witness of Fr. Buckley. May He Rest in Peace!


Fr. Jim