
Pastor’s Column – October 2, 2022

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Pastor’s Column

How many times have we been like the apostles in this weekend’s Gospel Reading and asked our Lord to “Increase our faith”? How many times have we been struggling with a problem or issue in our lives and asked the Lord for a deeper faith and trust in His loving plan in our lives? Our Lord Jesus invites us all to begin this process by deepening our prayer lives. He invites us to spend time with Him daily and during this time, He gradually increases our awareness of His loving presence in our lives. Our daily journeys with our Lord help us to deepen our awareness of His presence and His plans for our lives. All of us are called to take time daily to get to know Our Lord as we strive to serve Him in our daily lives. Let us take some time this week to begin this process.

This Sunday is Respect Life Sunday. As a Catholic People we are all called to defend all human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. We are all called to defend the life of the unborn, the poor, the immigrant, the elderly, the most vulnerable of all society that have no one to speak up for them. Let us all take some time this week to thank God for the precious gift of life and renew our efforts to defend and respect all human life!


Fr. Jim