Pastor’s Column
This weekend is one of new beginnings. I am grateful to God to be able to begin ministering to these wonderful parish communities. It is my hope that we will be able to work together to continue to build God’s Kingdom here in Whitney Point, Marathon, and Cincinnatus. The last time that I was able to serve in Northern Broome County at St. Patrick’s Parish was a wonderful experience of God’s love. I am looking forward to renewing old friendships and to establishing new friendships as we journey together building God’s Kingdom. The one thing that I ask of all of you is patience. I hope that I will be able to meet all the spiritual needs of this community, but time and distance may present some challenges. Let us continue to pray for each other as we celebrate this new beginning.
This Monday is July 4 and the birthday of our nation. As we enjoy the beautiful weather and time with our families, let us not forget that freedom is not free. Let us ask the Lord to bless our nation and to help us to live in harmony as brothers and sisters in Christ! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!
Fr. Jim