
Living the Gospel – February 10, 2019

Home > Living the Gospel > Living the Gospel – February 10, 2019

It is said that years ago the British biologist, Thomas Huxley, had to leave early one morning to go from one speaking assignment to another, so he got into a horse-drawn taxi to go from his hotel to the train station. He assumed that the hotel doorman had told the driver of the carriage that they were to go to the train station. So when he got in, he simply said to the driver, “Drive fast.”

Off they went. After a short while, Huxley, who was somewhat familiar with the area, realized that they were actually going in the opposite direction from the train station. He yelled to the driver, “Do you know where you’re going?” Without looking back, the driver replied, “No, sir, but I’m driving very fast.”

I wonder how many of us are going so fast through life, trying to accomplish our own set goals, filling our calendars with all types of events, that we have not, or do not, stop to evaluate where we are going. Perhaps it is time to slow down and ponder our calling

In our Gospel reading today Jesus calls Peter to follow Him and to teach others about him. That is our calling also. In order for us to understand and embrace our calling: to teach others about Jesus, we must continue to get to know Jesus better by encountering Him in scripture, the sacraments, study, conversations and serving others.

It seems that despite the problems in the world today, there is a serious desire among many to slow down and become better disciples; to do it voluntarily, rather than by mandate; and to grow in understanding of how to live our life using Jesus as our role model. Check our weekly bulletin and bulletin boards for local opportunities to support each other in our spiritual journey….so know where “we are going and how we can get there.”

Peg Orzel