
Living the Gospel – December 16, 2018

Home > Living the Gospel > Living the Gospel – December 16, 2018

Hard to believe but it is already Gaudete Sunday, the Third Week of Advent when we pause to rejoice in the goodness of God. Our Gospel reading this week, Luke 3:10-18, invites the crowd, and us, to ponder the question, “What should we do?” John the Baptists’ response to each of those asking (and to us) is to do what you do with honesty and justice and be satisfied with what you have. At first glance, it sounds simple…keep doing what you are doing and do it to the best of your ability. But going a bit deeper I think we are being called to develop such a strong relationship with God that our thoughts and actions flow freely from our heart. A heart that is aware of God’s love.

In the book, The Day the World Came to Town, the author, Jim DeFede recounts “when 38 jetliners bound for the United States were forced to land at Gander International Airport in Canada by the closing of U.S. airspace on September 11, the population of this small town on Newfoundland Island swelled from 10,300 to nearly 17,000. The citizens of Gander met the stranded passengers with an overwhelming display of friendship and goodwill. As the passengers stepped from the airplanes, exhausted, hungry and distraught after being held on board for nearly 24 hours while security checked all of the baggage, they were greeted with a feast prepared by the townspeople. Local bus drivers who had been on strike came off the picket lines to transport the passengers to the various shelters set up in local schools and churches. Linens and toiletries were bought and donated. A middle school provided showers, as well as access to computers, email, and televisions, allowing the passengers to stay in touch with family and follow the news.” Private citizens invited passengers into their homes to get away from the crowd and relax and others did laundry for the stranded individuals. So many people quickly responded to the need they saw. The local people saw what they could do and did it.

Hopefully, we will never find ourselves in such a horrific situation, but we will constantly encounter people in need. Let us pray that we will be quick to ask the Spirit, ‘What should I do?’ and then be quick to respond in love…

Peg Orzel