
From Our Pastor: September 5, 2021

Home > Living the Gospel > From Our Pastor: September 5, 2021

From Our Pastor:


Friends, each year when the time comes for the Diocesan HOPE APPEAL, you and I are bound to hear something like, “Not again, I thought this was a one-time thing!” Well, by now, about 60 years after its inception, we should catch on that this is an annual thing and thank God that it is! There are many ministries on the diocesan level that do not have the steady flow of monetary support such as a weekly collection, to finance their operations or that must be conducted on a diocesan level. College Newman Houses for Catholic students on secular campuses, hospital chaplains in secular hospitals, Catholic schools, Catholic Charities adoptions, counseling services, support of diocesan seminarians for the priesthood, parish support services, support of retired priests and religious, and many other important works in the diocese, need to be supported by all of us in the pews throughout the diocese. We, as a rural faith community are an important part of the diocese. Our support of the diocesan church is not charity, it is an obligation. As in any family, when needs occur, all of us must respond. I beg you to see your individual support as crucial and to aid our parishes to meet our assessed goals for the support of our diocesan church.

May God bless us and may Mary keep us always in His love!