
From Our Pastor – March 20, 2022

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From Our Pastor – March 20, 2022

Brothers and Sisters:

This last week we were blessed with the opportunity to celebrate the feasts of two great Saints and examples for us who are still on our own way to deeper holiness; namely, Saint Patrick of Ireland and Saint Joseph, foster father of Christ and spouse of the Blessed Mother.

Both of these mortals heard the call of the Father to accept their MISSION in Salvation History; Joseph, to raise and protect the Christ for his mission of salvation and Patrick to bring the Gospel to the Irish and establish the Church there for salvation.

Both are such great models for us to listen and hear the mission given to us by the same Father to take up many opportunities to spread the Gospel in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, etc., the call to build up the Church and be active in inviting all to come to salvation there.

These saints, all the saints are given to us to intercede for us to attain holiness and excel in the same way of grace, making present the face of Christ in our time and place. Turn to them in your own Mission and emulate them in your prayer and conduct and your Mission will be successful!

We are all called to be Saints!

May God bless us and may Mary keep us always in His love!

Fr. Corey