
From Our Pastor – Fourth Sunday Of Advent 2021

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Brothers and Sisters:

Here we are! Just a couple of days from Christmas. We’ve been waiting and preparing and now the time has come to celebrate and ANNOUNCE! Jesus Christ is born!

John the Baptist did this announcing, strangely in the desert. The desert is empty, nothing to see, pretty quiet and barren. And yet, without distractions, TRUTH can more easily be found and recognized. We sometimes need the desert experience. Quiet and centered on the truth.

The truth is we are all sinners, redeemed by the Messiah who conquers sin and even death. This is the truth the Church teaches and that we must ANNOUNCE! In our homes, our schools, our communities and world.

Know that all of you are in my heart and in my prayers as this wonderful day of truth and celebration nears!

May God bless us and may Mary keep us always in His love!

Fr. Corey