But the farmers and the fishermen, the poor and the lowly, were the likely ones to accept Jesus and His teachings. They repented and followed Him.
And for these, Jesus thanks His Father and with these (and anyone else who would listen) Jesus tries to share the intimacy of the Father for no one knows the Father except the Son.” What about us? Do we see ourselves clothed with the gift of Faith, joined to the Father through the Son? Are we humble enough to accept His teachings? Do we truly listen to what He tells us?
We have been chosen to share that intimacy with the Father. We have been given the right to call God “Our Father.” Do we ever stop to consider what a tremendous gift our Faith is? Whether it was passed on to us from our parents or given to us in later life, it is a gift to be cherished – a gift to be nurtured, supported, and leaned on. And, while each of us has the obligation to nurture our own faith through prayer, Scriptural and Spiritual reading, as members of Christ’s body we have the obligation to nurture and support the Faith of our Parish Community.
With that strong faith and support, we can take upon ourselves the Yoke of Christ, and by following Him, life will be more peaceful and more restful despite the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Our yoke will be easier and our burdens lighter!
Linda Caminiti