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Fourth Sunday of Easter

On this World Day of Prayer for Vocations we hear Jesus telling us in the Gospel that He โ€œIs the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep.โ€ Jesus underwent His passion and death out of love for us, Godโ€™s children. As we reflect upon the power of Godโ€™s love in this passage, we are called to ask the Lord for more men who are willing to shepherd and lay down their lives for Godโ€™s People as they serve Him as priests. We are all aware of the shortage of priests in our country and in our diocese. We are all called to ask the Lord to touch the hearts of many young men who will be willing to offer their lives to the Church as priests. We are also called to ask the Lord to touch the hearts of young women who would be willing to say โ€œyesโ€ to God as they witness to His love as Religious Sisters. Our God continues to call our young people to serve Him and it is up to us to create an environment where young people are able to hear Godโ€™s call in the midst of our community. May God grant that our families may be fertile soil to hear His Word and His call to service in the Church. May our Lord touch all our hearts to live out more faithfully the vocations that we all have been called to.

On this World Day of Prayer for Vocations our parish family looks forward to the Ordination of John Mihalko to the Permanent Deaconate on May 11th. We thank God that John has responded to Godโ€™s call in his life and for his โ€œyesโ€ to that call. We offer our prayers for him and his family as he prepares for this big day. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!

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