
Welcome Rev. Peter Tassini

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Second Sunday of Easter

Sunday of Divine Mercy “Of all the ways Jesus could have greeted the apostles on Easter Sunday, he chose four simple words: “Peace be with you” (John 20:19). Jesus had just died on the Cross and is now risen from the dead and sharing a special moment with his disciples. He did the most divine and miraculous event in all of Salvation history and could have immediately spoke to disciples of their salvation, but instead shared a simple greeting that had profound meaning, ”Peace be with you.” Why this greeting? Remember that during this time after seeing Jesus crucified, the disciples were afraid and locked themselves in the upper room. They were experiencing their own weaknesses and lack of faith, worried that authorities would be after them, too. They felt ashamed of their own lack of faith, but Jesus understands and gives them exactly what is needed… a sense of overwhelming peace. Jesus extends this same peace to each of us. An article from The Word Among Us, shares that there are two kinds of peace, peace for ourselves and peace with each other. The disciples weren’t perfect, and neither are we, but Jesus gives us this gift of peace because we are beloved by God. Knowing this love and loving God in return brings the peace we long for and helps us follow Jesus and fulfill his calling for us. Jesus went on to say after his greeting, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” We are called to treat others with the same mercy and love that he has shown us. The Easter Season celebrates this peace as every obstacle to peace has been removed.
Jesus is our forgiving Savior! Alleluia!
Peace be with you!