September 12, 2020
Dear Families:
Our new Faith Formation Year will be starting soon. Due to Covid-19 there are many changes this year, one of which is we will be starting late this year. Our first in person class will be on 10/18/20. We will be having in person classes and for those that are unable to or uncomfortable we will be having at home studies available. We are looking forward to a great year of classes that will include prayer, scripture lessons, activities, and service. All classes will be from 9:20 AM to 11:00 AM for all grades including the Confirmation Class. We will also be having two (2) Saturday classes where we will be performing a service project within the community that we serve.
For those of you who are opting for in person classes here are the class dates. Please note that these dates are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. Any changes or cancellations will be posted on our Facebook page and I strongly encourage you to join our page for these updates, the name of the page is Catholic Community of St. Stephen-St. Patrick.
2020 – 2021
October 18
November 1, 21* and 22*
December 6, 19* and 20*
January 10 and 24
February 7* and 21
March 7 and 21
April 25
?Indicates special classes May 2*
For those that are opting for in person classes there are some guidelines due to Covid-19 that need to be followed which are detailed in the Faith Formation Handbook, please familiarize yourself with these guidelines. In addition, there will one set of stairs to enter downstairs and the other set of stairs to exit. Also, everyone will be required to wear a face mask when entering or exiting and, in the classrooms,, unless there is a medical condition that prohibits it. If we have to cancel any of our special classes (i.e. Family Advent, Advent Pageant or Family Lent) due to Covid then these will be normal classes and at normal class times.
For those of you that are opting for in home studies these will consist of the following:
Grades K through 7: Gospel Weeklies, hard copies will be supplied for each child that needs them or it can be done fully online. Hard copy users will need to submit the finished worksheets and online users will need to complete all of the work online including assessment quizzes.
Grades 8th and 9th – These students will be supplied with a copy of The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth and instructions on what chapters that need to be covered. A brief written paragraph will be required for each chapter outlining what you have learned. In addition, you will be required to turn in 2 papers on Saints. You can pick any Saints and research them.
Grades 10th and 11th – Confirmation class. You will be required to log into Dynamic Catholic and follow the lesson plans and watch the videos and complete the worksheets in your student book. There will also be a few mandatory meetings for the students and/or sponsors to attend.
I will be collecting registration forms and fees on October 4th and 11. If you will be out of town on those weekends please mail your completed form to the Church office: PO Box 711 Whitney Point, NY 13862 by those dates. Due to all of the guidelines we must follow this year it is imperative that you contact me at 323-5114 or chc4962@aol.com no later than September 27, 2020 to inform me of your decision for your child to attend in-person or in home faith formation.
Enrollment in our Faith Formation program requires not only full participation in class but also at Mass on a regular basis. Handbooks are included with this letter. As service projects, special liturgies, parent student meetings and other upcoming events are planned we will notify you of the dates and details..Thank you so much for your interest and support of our parish program. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me, Cecelia Carstens, at 323-5114 or e-mail me at chc4962@aol.com.
Cecelia Carstens