
Pizza Lunch

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Faith Formation Students – Grades 3 – 12! 😊

Monday 2/21/22 – President’s Day – no school!

Special Class Day at St. Patrick’s 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM.

Pizza Lunch

Join your peers and Faith Formation teachers as we welcome Father Corey to join us for the afternoon. Father will join us for a fun, informal time of sharing. Father is asking that you provide him with questions – “Things I’ve always wanted to ask a priest but was afraid to”. Please get these questions to Sherry Dee, no later than Feb. 15th. Earl Markham will compile a list of your questions and get it to Father Corey before we meet. **Those attending this class will NOT be required to attend regularly scheduled FF class on Sunday, March 6th. ***Please RSVP to Sherry Dee (607-759-1876 or sherrylynn@stny.rr.com) by 2/15/22 and don’t forget your questions! We hope to see you there. Parents, if transportation is a genuine need, please contact us. There’s a possibility we may help.