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We continue to work on increasing individual involvement in the ministries of our parish.
This week we are focusing on leadership roles. Because of people moving, deaths and family commitments, we find that we need people to step forward to be chair people.
At the present time, we seek people to help in leadership in training altar servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters in Marathon, Lectors, and Social Committee. We will support you in these roles. Each of us has been given gifts by God to share. It is not a matter of ‘Am I good enough?, do I know enough?
but a matter of ‘Am I able to help our parish for a few hours a year?” Once we establish chair people for these ministries we will be seeking individuals to serve in these ministries. Please give it thought and prayer as to how you can serve and call or email Peg Orzel, coordinator of ministries (607 372 7036, porzel10@yahoo.com) with any questions/concerns and/or your area of interest. We look forward to growing in the expression of our faith together.