Living The Gospel – May 22, 2022
Jesus tells his disciples that he has to go, but he will return. It’s not something they understood then, any more than my dog understands that I am going now, but I will come back once I buy more dog food. It’s just not a concept Sam understands. For Jesus, He had to go in order to send the Holy Spirit to us. He will return again; we need to trust in his promise.
I am like my dog Sam in other ways. God tells me to relax, trust him, and accept his peace. It doesn’t always work for me, nor does it work for Sam. When the thunder cracked in last week’s storm, he was worried and wanted me to do something about that obviously dangerous noise. I tried to tell him to relax and accept the peace to be found by just sleeping next to me on the couch. Poor Sam, it wasn’t happening. Do I do any better when Jesus offers me his peace and says to just trust him? More likely, I fret and worry about things I have no control over. I imagine the worst-case scenarios, no matter how unlikely they are. “If you loved me, Lord, you wouldn’t leave me.” And he responds, “If you loved me, you would rejoice for me.” But instead of my heart celebrating, I often choose to pout and feel sorry for myself.
Fortunately for me, Jesus gifted me with the Holy Spirit to fill my heart. He is here to watch over me and to guide me. I just need to keep my heart open and trusting. I don’t feel alone and abandoned with the Advocate by my side.
Jesus has promised he will always be with me. I should rejoice that he with God the Father in heaven and that he has sent his Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide me
A father catches his gleeful child
Whom he has playfully tossed into the air,
It’s a matter of trust.
I need to put my total trust in you,
Abba, Almighty Father.
I need to trust that you will always be there to catch me
You are the one who watches over me, all day, every day.
Teach me to place my total trust in You.
Too often, I squirm away from your leading,
Certain that everything is my own responsibility.
I am consumed with guilt
Over every little detail.
I fail to give you credit
For the good in my life.
And for that which goes awry from my own planning.
I try to believe it was the fault of others.
I fail to trust you
Lord, Abba,
Teach me to trust.
Teach me to rest my whole self in Your hands.
Linda Crowley