On Saturday, July 3rd,
We Welcomed Kaeden Laurence Brockway
To The Waters Of Baptism
At Our Marathon Church.
May He Be Blessed And
Guided By The Holy Spirit
All The Days Of His Life.
We are a Roman Catholic Community of faith, welcoming the strength found in diversity.
We are committed to using our time, talent, and treasure in proclaiming the
Kingdom of God through prayer, fellowship, and service.
We experience our unity at the Eucharistic Table of the Lord, and our direction from the Word of God.
Service Schedule
8:30am @ St. Patrick's
10:15am @ St. Stephen's
12:00pm @ OLPH
6:00pm @ St. Patrick's
Baptism - Please call the rectory to make arrangements
Reconciliation - As announced
Weddings - Please call the rectory six months in advance to make arrangements
Sick/Infirmed - If you have someone who is sick or in the hospital, please notify the rectory
so they can be pastorally attended.
RCIA - Thinking of becoming into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church?
Please call the rectory to set up an appointment to speak with the pastor.
Food Pantry
WP Ecumenical Food Pantry Hours:
Mon-Thurs and Sat, 10am-Noon.
Closed Fridays, Holidays, and when school is closed.
Mobile Food Pantry:
2nd Weds. of each month at the WP Fairgrounds @ 9am