Intentions of the Sick at OLPH
Intentions of the Sick at OLPH
If you know someone that may be ill, facing surgery, etc., you can write down that person’s name in the Intentions of the Sick book on small podium, as you come in to church, and the book will be brought up to the altar and mentioned to pray for those written in book during the Intercessory Prayers. On the podium with the Intentions of the Sick book, there may be a card for one of our church family members, such as a Get Well card. If you are interested in being a signer to whatever card may be there, please always check when you come in to see if there is a card and if you would like to sign it. If you know one of our parishioners that isn’t well please call the Parish Office at 692-3911 or see Krys Getz or Mary Wied.