Into the Desert:
If you’re looking for a way to grow spiritually this Lent, check out this week’s FORMED Pick of the Week. In the six episodes of Into the Desert: A Lenten Study on Prayer Dr. Gray will share a method of prayer called Lectio Divina that will help you to hear God’s voice in prayer through the Scriptures. If you’ve ever wondered how to begin praying or felt like your prayer is one-sided, this series on FORMED will help you.
Kid’s Korner: Padre Pio
As the talent contest approaches and our friends prepare their special dance, Paul gets hurt and has to leave the contest. When Lukas takes him to the doctor, Paul learns from the example of Padre Pio about the importance of having a clean soul and offering his sufferings to God. Parish Code: CFMRYY…/5c5072…/lesson/5661d4278d0f20c00f1075c5