
Email From Suny Cortland

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From: Tricia Wilder <tricia.wilder@cortland.edu>
Date: Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 11:46 AM
Subject: Perspective Students
To: Tricia Wilder <tricia.wilder@cortland.edu>


Good morning,
I hope this email finds each of you doing well and enjoying the glory of God’s creation with the summer weather we have been blessed with.
I am writing today as a result of this “new normal” and the shifts being made on college campuses.  Generally, there is an orientation where new students are given the opportunity to meet various groups and other students in person to begin finding their place in their new home.  However, with our atmosphere what it is, these opportunities are not going to be the dominant way of interacting with the college community.  We at O’Heron Newman Hall Catholic Chapel, SUNY Cortland, would like to ensure that any incoming students know they have a place for worship, friends and faith sharing when they come to our campus.  I am asking each of you that if you have any graduating seniors who will be attending SUNY Cortland in the Fall, if you could provide us with contact information for them and their families so that we can send them welcome information.  If they would prefer, they could reach out to me as well, my contact information is below.
The transition to college is difficult under any circumstance and this year is proving to be even more challenging.  We hope that in making contact with the incoming students, we are able to ease some of the anxiety they may have about finding their way.  My hope is also to bring a connection to the current students involved in our Catholic community and new students before the academic year begins as well, further forming the relationship we all share as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thank you for your time,
Tricia A. Wilder (she, her, hers)
Director of Catholic Campus Ministry
SUNY Cortland
O’Heron Newman Hall
8 Calvert Street
Cortland, NY 13045