Did you Know? Outreach:
1. On October 22nd and 23rd our Whitney Point Church was able to provide a testing spot for Covid 19. Broome County Health Department provided all supplies and followed all safety protocols. Those being tested were masked, kept socially distant, and remained in the parking lot using the tent space that was provided. Our church building was not used for testing so as not to compromise the health of our parishioners. We were happy to provide this outreach program.
2. Our Ecumenical Food Pantry will be providing Thanksgiving Food for 56 local families this year. Catholic Charities will provide the turkeys from those collected in the Triple Cities. We applied for and received a $5,000 McDevitt Grant to help with the cost of food.
3. Our Human Development Ministry will once again sponsor our Christmas Star Program which provides gifts for local families. Stars will be available the Sunday before Thanksgiving. If you are unable to attend Mass and get a star, but would like to participate by purchasing gifts, please contact Peg Orzel at porzel10@yahoo.com or 607-372-7036, for gift ideas or a monetary donation, can be sent to Human Development Ministry, Christmas Star Program, CC of St. Stephen-St.Patrick, PO Box 711, Whitney Point, NY 13862