Liturgical Resources:
Attached you will find Resources for Caring for Our Spiritual and Sacramental Lives While Public Gatherings are Suspended. This resource will be updated as needed and is posted on the diocesan website.
Social Media Resources:
Plan out your social media ahead of time with this calendar.…/Social-Media-Content-C…
How do I create an Instagram Account?
How do I create a Facebook Business Page?
YouTube Livestream Support
Prayer Resources & Social Media Content: Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network
Lenten Mission With Bishop Lucia — Live Streamed:
Walking With Christ, From Our House to Yours: A Lenten Mission With Bishop Lucia
Tuesday, March 31:
Day 1 Adoration:
Speaker: Chris Padgett, a popular speaker, musician, and author who has traveled around the world for over two decades, giving concerts, talks, parish missions, and retreats to all ages about the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
Jeremy Bobak, Worship Leader
Wednesday, April 1
Day 2 Penitential Service:
Speaker: Friar Rick Riccoli, OFM Conv. Pastor of Assumption Church, Syracuse
Jeremy Bobak, Worship Leader
Thursday, April 2
Day 3 Mass for the Sick
Speaker: Fr. Christopher Celentano, Pastor of St. Rose of Lima Church, North Syracuse
Also, Jeremy Bobak, Worship Leader
Live streamed at 3pm @ each day.
Signs of Hope
Blessings and forgiveness abound! In response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis will give an extraordinary blessing “urbi et orbi” (to the city and the world) at 6 p.m. Rome time March 27.
The formal blessing — usually given only immediately after a new pope’s election and on Christmas and Easter — carries with it a plenary indulgence for all who follow by television, internet or radio, are sorry for their sins, recite a few prescribed prayers and promise to go to confession and to receive the Eucharist as soon as possible.
With the public joining him only by television, internet or radio, “we will listen to the word of God, raise our prayer (and) adore the Blessed Sacrament,” he said. “At the end, I will give the benediction ‘urbi et orbi,’ to which will be connected the possibility of receiving a plenary indulgence.”
An indulgence is an ancient practice of prayer and penance for the remission of the temporal punishment a person is due for sins that have been forgiven. In Catholic teaching, a person can draw on the merits of Jesus and the saints to claim the indulgence for themselves or offer it on behalf of someone who has died. (Source: Catholic News Service)
Danielle Cummings
Chancellor/Director of Communications
Diocese of Syracuse
240 East Onondaga Street
Syracuse NY 13202
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