Cincinnatus Town-wide Yard Sale Day is Saturday, June 12th.
Posters are up and Team Yard Sale Day has begun going door to door to hand out flyers.
Having a sale? Be a good neighbor and sign up to be on the map. It’s only $4 and Team Yard Sale does all the advertising for you!
Don’t live in the downtown area? There are sale spots available on the Fireman’s Field for $20. Contact Donna Catlin at (607) 745-0410 to sign up for a spot on the field.
Attention Parishioners: As in the past, if you would like to use OLPH’s parking lot to be a vendor and/or use any tables in Seton Hall, you are welcome to. Please let Bob & Linda Crowley, Pat Rice or call the Whitney Point parish office, 692-3911, to let us know if you will.