
Church Ministries

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Ministries: Would you like to join a parish ministry?

We will soon be creating new schedules for lectors, servers, greeters and Eucharistic ministers.

• If you would like to be added to the ministry schedule please contact Justin VanTassel (jvantassel@gmail) or call the office with your name, email address and which church location you usually attend. • If you would like to join a different ministry: bulletin reflection writer, hospitality, human development, nursing home/home visitor, helping a shut in (Neighbor to Neighbor ministry,) cleaner, Children’s Night Out, etc., please contact Peg Orzel, or 607 372-7036.

• If you would like to join the bereavement (help the family plan a funeral)ministry, cemetery or Food Pantry please call the office and someone will contact you with details and provide ‘training’ for that ministry.

We hope to have you join us!

We are all called to serve in some way within the parish setting and/or outside! Don’t be afraid to respond to God’s call.