Christmas Stars will be available beginning next Sunday, November 24th, at the church entrances. Each star has a ‘wish’ for one child. If you are able to purchase a gift, please wrap it, tape the star to the outside of the package and return it to the church by December 15th. Please only include the desired item in the gift box/bag so each child in the family receives the same number of items. This year we will be purchasing gifts for 32 children. They will each receive a shirt, pants, toy or game, pajamas, socks and underwear. The families in the area are always so very grateful for the assistance we provide. If you are unable to shop, but wish to donate money it will be used for the purchase of socks and underwear. Monetary donations can be mailed to Human Development, CC St.Stephen- St.Patrick, P.O. Box 711, Whitney Point, NY 13862 or put in the offertory collection in an envelope marked Christmas Star Program. Thank you so much!