
Butter Lambs

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Butter Lamb

The Altar Rosary Society of the Church of the Holy Trinity, 346 Prospect St., Binghamton, is sponsoring a sale of butter lambs, an Easter tradition. Each lamb is hand-crafted and costs only $3.50. Orders can be placed by calling 797-1335. Pick-up will be the weekend of April 13/14; you will be contacted with details. The deadline for ordering lambs is March 22nd. Thanks for your support! (Note – The picture below is a general picture of what a butter lamb looks like)

(The Easter butter lamb tradition comes from Central and Eastern Europe, and when Catholic immigrants from that area began making their way to America, they brought the tradition with them. Indeed, many families who claim this ancestry still call the butter lamb by its Polish name, baranek wielkanocny. Giving up dairy for Lent was a common practice in Poland and what better way to use up cream than churning it into butter?

Why is the butter shaped like a lamb in the first place? For those unfamiliar, the lamb is a reference to one of the most well-known lines in the New Testament, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” The lamb, in the simplest terms, represents Jesus.)