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Parish Council Meeting Minutes 1-9-2023

In attendance: Father Jim, Karen Barry, Sue Stevens, Kathy Cusick, Dan Burke, Tom Nichols, Bill McGovern, Ron Orzel

Father Jim led with a prayer.

Old Business: Approval of the minutes from 12-5-22

New Business:

Maintenance updates: Roof needs some shingles repaired. When was the last time a new roof was put on the St. Patrickโ€™s church? Discussion about various companies to contact

Boiler tanks need a wall around for safety reasons

The churches need new keys made and these keys need to be kept in a locked box outside the church similar to other parishes in the area.

The walls in the St. Patrickโ€™s church basement need painting.


Stations of the Cross, soup supper? Contact Hospitality Committee or Confirmation parents to provide soup


Father would like copies of the parish council minutes kept in a parish office binder

Continued discussion on changes to pastoral council bylaws

Respectfully submitted, Susan Stevens