Parish Council Meeting Minutes 1-9-2023
In attendance: Father Jim, Karen Barry, Sue Stevens, Kathy Cusick, Dan Burke, Tom Nichols, Bill McGovern, Ron Orzel
Father Jim led with a prayer.
Old Business: Approval of the minutes from 12-5-22
New Business:
Maintenance updates: Roof needs some shingles repaired. When was the last time a new roof was put on the St. Patrickโs church? Discussion about various companies to contact
Boiler tanks need a wall around for safety reasons
The churches need new keys made and these keys need to be kept in a locked box outside the church similar to other parishes in the area.
The walls in the St. Patrickโs church basement need painting.
Stations of the Cross, soup supper? Contact Hospitality Committee or Confirmation parents to provide soup
Father would like copies of the parish council minutes kept in a parish office binder
Continued discussion on changes to pastoral council bylaws
Respectfully submitted, Susan Stevens